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- PPPPPPPPMMMMCCCCIIIIEEEE((((1111)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV ((((22226666tttthhhh SSSSeeeepppptttteeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999999994444)))) PPPPPPPPMMMMCCCCIIIIEEEE((((1111))))
- ppmcie - draw a CIE colour chart in a portable pixmap
- ppppppppmmmmcccciiiieeee [----nnnnoooobbbbllllaaaacccckkkk] [----nnnnoooowwwwppppooooiiiinnnntttt] [----iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrppppwwwwpppp] [----ffffuuuullllllll]
- [----cccciiiieeee|----eeeebbbbuuuu|----hhhhddddttttvvvv |----nnnnttttsssscccc|----ssssmmmmpppptttteeee] [----rrrreeeedddd _r_x _r_y]
- [----ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn _g_x _g_y] [----bbbblllluuuueeee _b_x _b_y] [----wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee _w_x _w_y] [----ssssiiiizzzzeeee
- _e_d_g_e] [----xxxxssssiiiizzzzeeee|----wwwwiiiiddddtttthhhh _w_i_d_t_h] [----yyyyssssiiiizzzzeeee|----hhhheeeeiiiigggghhhhtttt _h_e_i_g_h_t]
- ppppppppmmmmcccciiiieeee creates a portable pixmap containing a plot of the
- CIE ``tongue'' colour chart, showing the colour gamut of ei-
- ther a standard or user-specified colour system, annotated
- with axes, a mark indicating the white point of the colour
- system, and the black body chromaticity curve for Planckian
- radiators from 1000 to 30000 kelvins. The axes are labeled
- with the CIE X and Y coordinates, the periphery of the
- tongue is annotated with the wavelength of light, in nanome-
- tres, of the pure hues which appear there, and the black
- body chromaticity curve is marked with the temperature in
- kelvins.
- CIE charts, by their very nature, contain a very large
- number of colours. If you're encoding the chart for a
- colour mapped device or file format, you'll need to use
- ppppppppmmmmqqqquuuuaaaannnntttt or ppppppppmmmmddddiiiitttthhhheeeerrrr to reduce the number of colours in the
- image.
- ----cccciiiieeee||||----eeeebbbbuuuu||||----hhhhddddttttvvvv||||----nnnnttttsssscccc||||----ssssmmmmpppptttteeee
- Select a standard colour system whose gamut (the
- area inside the triangle formed by the three pri-
- mary colours) and white point are plotted within
- the CIE tongue chart. The default is ----eeeebbbbuuuu, the
- primaries used in the PAL and SECAM broadcasting
- standards. ----nnnnttttsssscccc chooses the primaries specified
- by the NTSC broadcasting system (few modern moni-
- tors actually cover this range). ----ssssmmmmpppptttteeee selects
- the primaries recommended by the Society of Motion
- Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) in stan-
- dards RP-37 and RP-145, and ----hhhhddddttttvvvv uses the much
- broader _H_D_T_V _i_d_e_a_l primaries. ----cccciiiieeee uses the CIE
- RGB primaries with wavelengths of 700 nm, 546.1
- nm, and 438.8 nm respectively; the CIE white point
- is defined by equal R, G, and B intensities.
- ----rrrreeeedddd _r_x _r_y
- specifies the CIE _x and _y co-ordinates of the red
- illuminant of a custom colour system and selects
- the custom system.
- ----ggggrrrreeeeeeeennnn _g_x _g_y
- Page 1 (printed 12/12/00)
- PPPPPPPPMMMMCCCCIIIIEEEE((((1111)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV ((((22226666tttthhhh SSSSeeeepppptttteeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999999994444)))) PPPPPPPPMMMMCCCCIIIIEEEE((((1111))))
- specifies the CIE _x and _y co-ordinates of the
- green illuminant of the colour system and selects
- the custom system.
- ----bbbblllluuuueeee _b_x _b_y
- specifies the CIE _x and _y co-ordinates of the blue
- illuminant of the colour system and selects the
- custom system.
- ----wwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee _w_x _w_y
- specifies the CIE _x and _y co-ordinates of the
- white point of the colour system and selects the
- custom system.
- ----ssssiiiizzzzeeee _e_d_g_e
- Create a pixmap of _e_d_g_e by _e_d_g_e pixels. The de-
- fault is 512x512.
- ----xxxxssssiiiizzzzeeee||||----wwwwiiiiddddtttthhhh _w_i_d_t_h
- Sets the width of the generated image to _w_i_d_t_h
- pixels. The default width is 512 pixels. If the
- height and width of the image are not the same,
- the CIE diagram will be stretched in the longer
- dimension.
- ----yyyyssssiiiizzzzeeee||||----hhhheeeeiiiigggghhhhtttt _h_e_i_g_h_t
- Sets the height of the generated image to _h_e_i_g_h_t
- pixels. The default height is 512 pixels. If the
- height and width of the image are not the same,
- the CIE diagram will be stretched in the longer
- dimension.
- ----nnnnoooobbbbllllaaaacccckkkk Don't plot the black body chromaticity curve.
- ----nnnnoooowwwwhhhhiiiitttteeee Don't plot the colour system's white point.
- ----ffffuuuullllllll Plot the entire CIE tongue in full intensity;
- don't enhance the gamut of the specified colour
- system.
- ----iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrppppwwwwpppp Interpolate out-of-gamut colours using the colour
- system's white point as the origin of the interpo-
- lation line. By default, the white defined by an
- equal mix of the three primaries is used.
- All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique pre-
- fix.
- Obviously, colours outside the gamut of the device used to
- view or print the CIE chart cannot be rendered accurately.
- Colours outside the Maxwell's triangle formed by the three
- Page 2 (printed 12/12/00)
- PPPPPPPPMMMMCCCCIIIIEEEE((((1111)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV ((((22226666tttthhhh SSSSeeeepppptttteeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999999994444)))) PPPPPPPPMMMMCCCCIIIIEEEE((((1111))))
- illuminants are desaturated and rendered as the shade where
- the edge of the gamut triangle intersects a line drawn from
- the requested shade to the white point defined by an equal
- mixture of the illuminants (or the colour system's white
- point, if ----iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrppppwwwwpppp is specified). These out of gamut
- colours are drawn ``subdued'' at 3/4 the intensity of the
- shades within the gamut unless the ----ffffuuuullllllll switch is speci-
- fied, in which case in-gamut and out of gamut colours are
- not distinguished.
- ppppppppmmmmddddiiiitttthhhheeeerrrr(1), ppppppppmmmmqqqquuuuaaaannnntttt(1), ppppppppmmmm(5)
- Copyright (C) 1995 by John Walker (kelvin@fourmilab.ch)
- WWW home page: http://www.fourmilab.ch/
- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
- software and its documentation for any purpose and without
- fee is hereby granted, without any conditions or restric-
- tions. This software is provided ``as is'' without express
- or implied warranty.
- Page 3 (printed 12/12/00)